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B.S./B.A./B.A.S. in Information Technology Management: Curriculum

Curriculum Details

180 total credits required

Eastern Oregon University’s online bachelor’s in information technology management degree prepares you with administrative experience and technology-driven solutions for businesses, organizations and nonprofits. This four-year online bachelor’s program requires prerequisites in computer science (which include Math 111, WR 121, CS 161, CS162, CS260) plus two sets of core courses in computer science and business.

Through the program’s curriculum, which includes innovative technologies and applications, you will learn computing skills such as C++ programming, database management, network administration and information security. Business courses build your knowledge of management principles, workplace diversity and business ethics. Earn a Bachelor of Arts degree with a foreign language requirement or opt for 12 additional science credits to earn a Bachelor of Science. If you have an Associate of Applied Science degree, you may earn a Bachelor of Applied Science in IT Management.

Transfer Information

EOU offers a generous transfer policy for course credits to make it even more affordable and accessible to learn. The Bachelor’s in IT Management program accepts up to 135 transfer credits. All EOU majors require a minimum of 20 EOU credits.

Required Courses


This course is the first part of a two course sequence. The two courses will be equivalent in content and credit to MATH 111Z – Precalculus I: Functions. Topics include equations and inequalities in one variable, a careful treatment of the function concept, and an examination of the properties and application of several important families of functions: polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic. Any requirement satisfied by MATH 111Z will also be satisfied by the pair of courses MATH 111A and MATH 111B. Prerequisite: MATH 095 or equivalent.

This course is the second part of a two course sequence. The two courses will be equivalent in content and credit to MATH 111Z – Precalculus I: Functions/Part II. Topics include equations and inequalities in one variable, a careful treatment of the function concept, and an examination of the properties and application of several important families of functions: polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic. Any requirement satisfied by MATH 111 will also be satisfied by the pair of courses MATH 111A and MATH 111B. Prerequisite: MATH 111A

College-level practice of writing skills with a special emphasis on writing analytically, usually about texts. Students learn to adapt their writing processes to the rhetorical constraints of academic writing. Prerequisite: Completion of WR 115 and a satisfactory in-class diagnostic essay or Accuplacer placement in WR 121.

Introduces basic data representation, branching and iteration, memory management, computer architecture and the analysis and design of problem solutions.

Introduces some common algorithms for searching and sorting, the analysis of algorithm complexity, exception handling and file output. Prerequisites: MATH 111, CS 161.

An introduction to various implementations of commonly used data structures and their applications. Topics include lists, stacks, queues, trees and heaps. Prerequisite: CS 162.

Required Core Courses


An introduction to the basics of programming as used in C and C++, including selection statements, loops, arrays, string handling, pointers, registers and functions. Practical exercises will require the construction, compilation, debugging and execution of complete programs that implement given algorithms to solve simple problems. The emphasis in this course will be on the common features of C and C++; however memory allocation and the use of pointers will be discussed. Prerequisite: CS 162

A study of how computers are designed and organized at the hardware level. Topics covered include basic logic circuits, gates, processors, memory, instruction sets and programming in assembly language. Prerequisite: CS 260.

Analysis, design and implementation of database systems. This course covers database concepts, architectures, schemas, the relational model and SQL.

An introductory examination of the Open System Interconnection Reference Model (OSI). Topics covered include network architecture, data flow control, transmission control, path control, recovery, and routing techniques. Prerequisite: CS 162. Student must have at least sophomore standing to register for this course.

This course introduces students to fundamental concepts in Information Security including processes and techniques for implementing Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability. Prerequisites: CS 221, CS 311 and CS 335.

Students gain practical experience in a professional or pre- professional setting. Prerequisites: Upper-division standing and consent of instructor. Student must have at least junior standing to register for this course.

Required Business Courses


Analysis of methods of investigating, collecting, organizing and presenting data for formal and informal business reports. Prerequisite: WR 121 or equivalent.

Information Systems (IS) develop the information that managers use to make decisions and is a necessary component for the creation, storage, transformation, and protection of business data. This course will introduce you to IS and the design, analysis, and implementation of datasets and is intended to refine and extend skills in Microsoft Excel and other business management technologies. The course will conclude with a study of management information systems (MIS) and the role they play in organizations. Prerequisite: BA 131 or equivalent. Student must have Sophomore standing to register for this course.

Study of primary functions of management of goal-directed organizations. Analysis of the internal organization structure and of management roles within complex organizations. Study of structural bases, work-flow pattern, leadership patterns and control systems upon human behavior. Student must have at least sophomore standing to register for this course.

This class will explore the cultural aspects of Diversity in the Workplace. Attitudes and perceptions have resulted in typecasting persons of different ethnic, social, cultural and religious backgrounds. These accepted practices have evolved through centuries of discrimination. To understand the workforce demographics of today, students will explore the history of selected minorities. By analyzing the historical perceptions of cultures from a different perspective, the students will develop a better understanding of the current struggles of ethnic cultures. Student must have at least sophomore standing to register for this course.

As future managers, leaders and citizens, each of you will have influence on the organizations in which you participate. This course will assist you in exploring and developing knowledge of ethical perspectives, decision-making processes and the development of solutions to ethical dilemmas. BA 411 provides an opportunity for students to investigate the many ethical challenges facing individuals and organizations in the business environment. Study of various ethical perspectives will enable students to increase their ability to analyze ethical problems, critically assess ethical arguments relevant to such issues and recommend solutions to ethical dilemmas. Students will develop a working knowledge of major themes surrounding ethical issues, including, but not limited to, corporate social responsibility. Prerequisites: BA 225 and 321. Must have junior standing to register for this course.

Required Upper-Division Business Elective
Choose one course from the following:


Study of the personnel function and its relationship to the objectives of the organization. Examination of human resource management as a primary function of all managers. Analysis of personnel problems involved in the selection, appraisal and development of the work-force in business organization. Prerequisite: BA 321. Student must have at least junior standing to register for this course.

Study of behavior in organizations at the individual, small group, intergroup and organizational levels. Students participate in projects applying behavioral science principles, such as theories of motivation, leadership and conflict resolution, to organizations and the process of change. Prerequisite: BA 321. Student must have at least junior standing to register for this course.

This is an introductory course on management of the operations function with emphasis on practical applications. Topics covered will address the role of operations management including analysis, design, planning and controlling of production and business processes. Prerequisites: BA 303 or ACCT 303, BA 321 and STAT 243. Student must have at least junior standing to register for this course.

Students gain practical experience in a professional or pre- professional setting. Prerequisites: Upper-division standing and consent of instructor. Student must have at least junior standing to register for this course.

Get in Touch

We are here to answer any questions you may have. Contact an enrollment counselor at 855-805-5399 or complete the request for information form and we will be in touch.