B.S./B.A. in Early Childhood Education: Curriculum
Curriculum Details
180 total credits required
The four-year online bachelor’s in early childhood education degree program gives you the knowledge and skills necessary to support, educate, and advocate for young children. Coursework covers the stages of development and introduces processes and procedures for teaching specific subjects. The teaching practicum gives you supervised experience in a real classroom.
Earn your B.A. with a foreign language requirement, or your B.S. with just 12 more science credits. After completing the bachelor’s degree, you may opt to pursue the Master of Arts in Teaching licensure preparation program.
Transfer Information
EOU offers a generous transfer policy for course credits to make it even more affordable and accessible to learn. The online bachelor’s in early childhood education allows up to 135 credits from previous college coursework to be transferred into EOU. All EOU majors require a minimum of 20 EOU credits.
Required Core 1 Courses
This course is designed to explore theory, philosophy and procedures for fostering collaborative partnerships with families of young children. Historical and legal foundations, contemporary frameworks, effective communication methods, parent education and contemporary issues affecting family-professional partnerships will be identified. In addition, examination of cultural and other types of diversity between families and professionals will be emphasized. Prerequisites: ECED 311 & ECED 312 and admission to program.
This course is designed to examine appropriate and developmentally sensitive strategies for guiding and managing behavior in typically and atypically developing young children. Social skills, problem solving, conflict resolution and moral education curricula are presented. The importance of consistency and proactive strategies and understanding the affective domain of the child will be stressed. Prerequisites: ECED 311 & ECED 312 and admission to program.
This course is designed to examine health, nutrition and safety needs as they apply to school environments for children from birth to age eight. Students will examine the impact of family, school and community relationships on a child’s health and well-
being. Information on program planning, classroom curriculum and parent education in regard to health and safety will also be discussed. Prerequisites: ECED 311 & ECED 312 and admission to program.
This course introduces the integration of technology as a method to enhance teaching and learning in the early childhood classroom. The course will explore current early childhood technology trends, the unique learning environments, facilitation of assessment/ evaluation and ethical issues surrounding the use of technology. Participants will explore strategies and technology tools that support the education and achievement of young children and dissemination of information to parents and others. Prerequisites: ECED 311 & ECED 312 and admission to program.
This course is designed to explore the methods used to assess young children’s development and programs. Formal assessments, informal assessments and assessment systems will be explored. Participants will gain techniques for organizing, analyzing and interpreting data and applying assessment information to improve program quality and to best meet the needs of individual children. In addition, proper methods for sharing assessments findings will be identified. Prerequisites: ECED 311 & ECED 312 and admission to program.
This course is designed to explore current issues and trends within the field of early childhood education. Participants will have the opportunity to participate in thoughtful and critical examinations of the practices, policies and professional development to develop a new generation of early childhood professionals. Prerequisites: ECED 311 & ECED 312 and admission to program.
Required Core 2 Courses
This course is designed to explore the scientific needs of young children. An emphasis is placed on learning instructional strategies and techniques, appropriate for use in the early childhood setting. Particular emphasis will be given to the following important parts of scientific learning in young children: scientific exploration and learning, Earth and space science, physical science and life science. Prerequisites: ECED 311, ECED 312, program admission and completion of core 1 courses.
This course is designed to explore the social science needs of young children. An emphasis is placed on learning instructional strategies and techniques, appropriate for use in the early childhood setting. Particular emphasis will be given to the following important parts of social learning in young children: family, community, history, geography, economy and civics. Prerequisites: ECED 311, ECED 312, program admission and completion of core 1 courses.
This course is designed to explore the literacy needs of young children. An emphasis is placed on learning instructional strategies and techniques, appropriate for use in the early childhood setting. Particular emphasis will be given to the following important parts of literacy development in young children: phonological analysis, alphabet knowledge, print concepts and knowledge and early writing. Prerequisites: ECED 311, ECED 312, program admission and completion of core 1 courses.
This course is designed to explore the creative expression and experiences of young children. An emphasis is placed on learning instructional strategies and techniques, appropriate for use in the early childhood setting. Particular emphasis will be given to the following important parts of creative expression in young children: creative thinking, music, movement and visual arts. Prerequisites: ECED 311, ECED 312, program admission and completion of core 1 courses.
This course is designed as an introductory course for exploring special needs children and their families. An overview of historical factors and legislation affecting service delivery, characteristics and prevalence of disorders, effective instructional techniques for working with this population and community resources serving exceptional children will be explored. Prerequisites: ECED 311, ECED 312, program admission and completion of core 1 courses.
This course is designed to introduce various multicultural and anti-bias issues in working with children and their families in early childhood settings. The course explores the role of culture and diversity on development, creating culturally aware and relevant early childhood programs and implications for early childhood teaching practices. Prerequisites: ECED 311, ECED 312, program admission and completion of core 1 courses.
This course is designed to prepare individuals for the role of an early childhood program administrator. Topics explored include, child care law and current regulations, an exploration of various early childhood programs, the responsibilities and operational functions conducted by the director and the role of the director as an advocate for young children and their families. Prerequisites: ECED 311, ECED 312, program admission and completion of core 1 courses.
This course is designed to provide early childhood classroom experience under the supervision of an early childhood professional. You will observe, participate and teach in the early childhood setting under the supervision of a cooperating teacher. You will have an experience in one of the early childhood age groups (birth—3 or ages 3—5) in a determined location (Primary or elementary school, child care center or home and Head Start). Prerequisites: ECED 311, ECED 312, program admission and completion of core 1 courses.
This course is designed to provide early childhood classroom experience under the supervision of an early childhood professional. You will observe, participate and teach in the early childhood setting under the supervision of a cooperating teacher. You will have an experience in one of the early childhood age groups (birth—3 or ages 3—5) in a determined location (Primary or elementary school, child care center or home and Head Start). Prerequisites: ECED 309, ECED 311, ECED 312, program admission and completion of core 1 courses.
Get in Touch
We are here to answer any questions you may have. Contact an enrollment counselor at 855-805-5399 or complete the request for information form and we will be in touch.